Prophet Muhammad said: “He who eats his fill while his neighbor goes to bed without food is not a believer.”
Prophet Muhammad said: "The Compassionate One [Allah] has mercy on those who are merciful”.
Prophet Muhammad said: "The Compassionate One [Allah] has mercy on those who are merciful”.
When Prophet Muhammad entered Makkah and liberated it from idolatry,he forgave his enemies, announcing:“You may go. You are free.”
The testimony to be said in Arabic when embracing Islam is: “ASH-HADU ALLA ILAHA ILLA-ALLAH WA ASH-HADU ANNA MUHAMMADAN RASULU-ALLAH.”
Describing Prophet Muhammad, the Glorious Qur’an(68:4) reported, “Indeed, you are of a great moral character.”
‘The absolute qualities of beauty and perfection belong only to Allah, the one true God. Indeed, Allah loves beauty’.
One can attain real happiness and peace of mind only through belief in and submission to the true God (Allah).
Allah made the whole universe, including time, space, energy, and matter. He sustains and controls the universe and everything in it.