Muslims are followers of Muhammad, Jesus and the Prophets. A Muslim means a person (he or she) who submits to Allah, the one true God.
Islam instructs us to live in peace and good relationship with God, self, and others.
Muhammad commanded us to be kind to and care for our families, spouses, and children.
Islam instructs us to respect and care for our parents and the elderly, and to be good to our families, spouses, and children.
In about 23 years, Muhammad changed the complete Arabian Peninsula from paganism and idolatry to the submission and tawheed to One God (Allah).
Allah the One true God is Creator, not created!
When Prophet Muhammad entered Makkah and liberated it from idolatry, he forgave his enemies, announcing: “You may go. You are free.”
Losing control of the steering wheel for a second on the highway is enough reason to cause a crisis. Incorrect temperature is enough reason to cause a bomb explosion. The Olympic champions know the value of the moment as the difference between glory and loss. Everything in this world has measures that cannot be violated by any means. Does this apply to the Universe we live in? Is it really random and uncontrolled by a certain order?
Muhammad (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) the son of Abdullah, was born in Makkah around the year 570 C.E.
Great sayings about hajj: my pilgrimage broadened my scope . it blessed me with a new insight . Malcolm X
One can attain real happiness and peace of mind only through belief in and submission to Allah the one true God.
Muhammad, Jesus, and Mosesused to say‘Insha Allah’(if God wills), and using the greeting: ‘Asalamu Alaikum’ ( Peace be upon you)!
It instructed us not to hurt, hate, transgress against, put down, or despise others. #Muhammad
Prophet Muhammad said: “The best of you are those who are best to their women.”