
Videos Cards

    • access_time24/07/2017
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    Dialogue with Darwin

    category: general

    This theory is quite popular in the circles of the religious vs. atheist debates. Atheists see this theory as a strong justification for their atheism. Almost all atheists defend the validity of this theory and its scientific proofs. Regardless of this controversy, what is the position of the founder of this theory regarding the atheists' dependence on his theory?!

    • access_time24/07/2017
    • remove_red_eye39090
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    Islam and The Forbidden Desire

    category: Islam

    The world is suffering from a state of severe polarization towards different directions and counter directions.This polarization may be justified at times, but it is completely unjustified that the polarization becomes between the two human sexes (men and women), i.e. when female and male movements are established, all of which are contrary to the sex instinct that they claim to defend its rights. I wonder, what led the world to this depressing situation?!

    • access_time24/07/2017
    • remove_red_eye312450
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    The Status of Women in Islam

    category: Islam

    How was the status of the woman in the past? She was a commodity to be bought and sold, disrespected and dishonored. She was sold just like an animal or a piece of furniture; she was forced to get married or to commit adultery. She didn't inherit or own money; her husband takes over her money if she has some without her permission. Some ignorant cultures went even beyond that, in discussing whether she is a human being with a soul and spirit just as a man!

    • access_time24/07/2017
    • remove_red_eye204556
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    5 Steps to Become Muslim

    category: Islam

    The film starts with defining the word Islam and the steps you should pronounce to become a Muslim, and the importance of embracing Islam.

    • access_time24/07/2017
    • remove_red_eye40003
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    Give me a reason to be a Muslim

    category: Islam

    Animation with interesting voice over explaining ten reasons for non-Muslims to embrace Islam, urging them to know it, and drawing attentions to its distinctive points such as being the religion harmonious with human nature.

    • access_time24/07/2017
    • remove_red_eye203345
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    Sober up

    category: general

    Did you have enough of biased news networks which spread "their" view of the news rather than the facts, including political, social, entertainment or even sports news...? Or do you actually trust the integrity of the international media venues and news networks? Do you believe their credibility and nonbiased delivery of the news? Regardless of your position, we want you to stop for a few minutes and ponder on the authentic information and facts we tell you then you can judge for yourself

    • access_time24/07/2017
    • remove_red_eye36856
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    The Story of Jesus

    category: Islam

    Millions of people around the world, of different religions and different cultures love him... who is he? Is he God? Is he the son of God? Is he a Messenger of God? Was he a real man?

    • access_time24/07/2017
    • remove_red_eye36620
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    Newton…and the Trinity

    category: The Oneness of God

    The English physicist Isaac Newton is beyond famous, he is considered one of the most influential scientists of all time because of his theories and findings which people consider as great scientific discoveries until this day. Yet, there is something about Newton which is unknown as it was never under the spotlight despite its importance, i.e. his position towards the Trinity, an aspect that categorizes Christianity the most. This position almost cost him his life. So, what is Newton's position towards the Trinity? What are the reasons for this position? What was his view about God? How did the Trinity intervene into the Christian belief from Newton's point of view? These questions will be answered in the film… "Newton…and the Trinity"

    • access_time24/07/2017
    • remove_red_eye37777
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    Why Athan ?

    category: Islam

    What is Athan? What does it mean? Why Muslims are so careful on the call to prayer? Why those words in particular? Why did Prophet Muhammad command Muslims to repeat the words of the call to prayer when they hear them? This film will answer all these Questions.