Conclusion teaching people the oneness tawheed of allah and worshiping him alone was the eternal messege of Gods prophets
The testimony of the Oneness (Tawheed) that there is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the One true God, is the key of Paradise.
After uttering the testimony of Islam (Ashahada) sincerely, you will feel happiness and tranquility! God willing.
If you decide to become a Muslim, utter this testimony: “I testify that there is no god but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”
The Qur’an does confirm that ‘Islam’ is the true religion of all God’s prophets. This Qur’anic fact is also traceable in the Bible itself!
Submission to the One God & His worship alone is the essence of the message of those prophets. ‘SUBMISSION’ means ‘ISLAM’ in Arabic.
God sent the prophets to teach their followers the religiousand worldly matters&urge them to fear Allah and follow His commandments.
God sent His prophets to receive guidance from Him (Allah) and deliver it to their people and to be role models to their followers.
Islam is submission and obedience to the Oneness of the true God (Allah), the Creator.