Allah created mankind to worship Him alone. ‘And they were not commanded except to worship Allah, sincere to Him in religion.’
Islam instructs us to live in peace and good relationship with God, self, and others.
To attain salvation, you must believe in Allah & His true prophets (including Prophet Muhammad). This is the way to a happy, eternal life!
Islam urges us to think, ponder, reason, and base our judgments on proof.
Prophet Muhammad stated, “I am the nearest of all the people to Jesus, the son of Mary; for there was no prophet between me and him [Jesus].”
Prophet Muhammad said: “He who eats his fill while his neighbour goes to bed without food is not a believer.
Qualities belong to Allah alone: God is ONE, not two, three, or more! He has no partner or equal. He is the only One to be worshipped alone.
Allah is the Creator of all humans, animals, and objects. He is the ONE TRUE GOD who created the whole creation& universe including nature.
Islam teaches us to be just with all people, whether with friends or foes; and at all times, in peace or in war.